I would crave for salty potato chips once every few moons and get a bag of all natural chips. After 1/3 through the bag in a sitting, I would get some weird reactions and just couldn’t stand the sight of it. It’s probably my body sending me signals. Talk about fast reaction. So what would a girl to do when she has the cravings again? Bake some sweet potato fries and chips. Sometimes I made them for breakfast too. Continue Reading →

Vietnamese cuisine has a feel and a rhythm of its own. A sublime tone of delicious, delicate, calmly satisfying flavors, whether in their soothing Pho soup or these pretty rice paper wrap rolls. If you have tried rice paper wrap rolls before, chances are that someone else have pre-rolled the rice paper rolls for you. Ever thought of rolling your own? Continue Reading →
Now that I am back and (almost) fully rested from a whole 15-days in China, I am ready to get back into my normal schedule, more specifically my healthy diet. Even though I eat an extra serving of dessert or while on vacation, I don’t find myself buried in guilt because the most important thing is to enjoy and try out new food. Also, following this 5 healthy diet tips while on vacation helps a lot. These tips may be helpful if you are planning on a vacation in the next couple of months.
After 2 weeks of wonderful feasting, a light and healthy cleanse with beetroot was in order for the Saturday lunch. Grated Carrots & Beetroot Salad.. hmm..
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I’ve been missing in action for almost a week, caught a flu bug from my mama who caught it from my grandpa. I took the much-needed rest, time out from cooking and writing. The weather around South East Asia should be getting hotter end of the year, but the daily rain seems to be helping the flu bug spread around. Please keep yourself warm and well rested.
Feeling much better today enough to start writing a short post. Today’s recipe should be very familiar to you if you are of a Chinese descent. You most likely know this soup, and you’ve probably made it dozens or maybe even hundreds of times before. Some people call this Luo Song Tang (罗宋汤), others call it ABC soup. Some Chinese restaurants refer to it as Chinese borscht on their menu. Why ABC? My take is because the soup so ridiculously easy to make, as easy as ABC. Whatever you choose to call it, the simple ingredients are simple and yet delicious. Great taste with little effort, what’s not to love? Continue Reading →

This is one of my mama’s ingenious recipe – Ribs with Soy Bean in a slow cooker. According to my mama, this recipe was adapted from Pai Kuat (steamed spareribs with black bean sauce) that is available at any dim sum restaurants. Everyone in my family love this dish. It’s one of those no-brainer recipes for lazy days. You can throw all this in slow cooker before going off to work and you will have a ready dish when you get back home. Continue Reading →